On Friday, students across Bihar held a statewide ‘Bandh.’ Students have called for a ‘Bihar Bandh’ in protest at the structure of exams administered by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB).
The ‘Bihar Bandh’ was mostly peaceful, with a few clashes between demonstrators and police officers.
However, travel in several sections of the state was disrupted as supporters of the ‘Bandh’ set fire to tyres at junctions and on highways. Trains going from Patna Junction also experienced some delays, according to passengers.
Police were reportedly reported to have apprehended Bandh activists who were attempting to coerce merchants into locking their doors. However, no arrests have been made as of yet in this case.
What are the students’ grievances?
After the Railway Recruitment Board announced the results of the admission tests for the Non-Technical Popular Category, protests erupted earlier this month (NTPC). This examination was announced for the first time roughly three years ago.
Aspirants who took the first Computer-Based Test (CBT) believe the Railways Recruitment Board is still working on the selection procedure for the NTPC’s 30,000 openings.
They also oppose the RRB’s plan to add an additional Group D screening exam. Many of those who took part in the ‘Bihar Bandh’ on Friday claimed that these positions are not high-skilled and that a lengthy selection procedure is unnecessary.
Many candidates were allegedly enlisted using various roll numbers, according to protesters.
Top 5 Developments:
Top 5 Developments:* The creation of a commission to investigate the issues of protesting students has already been announced by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.
- Sanjay Jaiswal, the Bihar BJP chairman, issued a Facebook post on Friday urging contestants to keep calm. “Former IAS officer Ashwini Vaishnaw began his career by passing a difficult competitive exam. After much academic difficulty, yours truly acquired his MBBS. You can rely on us, [students] “Jaiswal penned the piece.
- Opposition parties including as the RJD, Left, and Congress, as well as NDA allies VIP and HAM, hailed the demand for a “Bihar Bandh.”
- On Friday, BJP MP Subramanian Swamy turned to Twitter to say: “The rumour is that the Modi government intends to sell the railways. This has been linked to state-by-state cancellations of employment recruiting exams. I warn the government that unless it clarifies its position, riots by teenagers will inevitably occur “..
- On Friday morning, Indian Railways released a FAQ outlining its recruitment process. “The remaining openings are currently being filled. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, RRBs have administered computer-based exams (CBTs) for almost four crore candidates in the last three and a half years “According to the statement,