Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
Dear friends,
The question I am asked most often these days is, why call our digital newspaper “The Independent Truth” and What is the mission statement of The Independent Truth, where will it be positioned, what are its objectives, and how will these be achieved?
Let me try answering these.
Over a period of time, my experience with Journalism in India and overseas has been that the editorial bar has been much reduced and the truth is largely not independent nor is it unbiased. We aim to change that!
By naming our digital newspaper as the Independent Truth, we affirm our commitment to being Independent and being true and to maintain the highest standards of editorial quality, ethical standards and professionalism.
What is our mission statement?
Since Independence, news media has been largely polarized towards the party in power and the public was largely misled with a lot of disinformation. The trend continues as the News media is now polarized between Left and Right. Also rampant is the spreading of false information by many media houses and journalists who had enjoyed their access to governments for most of the seventy years. Journalist-owned The Independent Truth aims to challenge both, as well as the idea of selective neutrality. It will take sharp, well researched, backed by facts and figures positions.
The Independent Truth will not hesitate to make up its mind as facts dictate and speaking out emphatically.
Where will we be positioned?
We will always be Independent and we will always be truthful. We guarantee that.
We don’t aim to be just a digital news publication. We want it to be your platform, so please never hesitate to speak your mind.
You can reach us directly at truththeindependent@gmail.com
With warm best wishes and happy newsing
Abhishek Prasad
Founder and Editor-in-Chief