Money Heist, Netflix’s acclaimed thriller series, is returning! It’s about to start its fifth and final season. The Spanish television series will be divided into two volumes, each with five episodes. The drama, dubbed “La Casa De Papel” in Spanish and created by Alex Pina and produced by Vancouver Media, finished production on its final instalment on May 14. The gang was imprisoned in the Bank of Spain for almost 100 hours in the last season. They’ve rescued Lisbon, played by Itziar Ituno, but now they’re facing their darkest hour after losing one of their own. Sierra (Najwa Nimri) has kidnapped the Professor (Alvaro Morte), and he doesn’t have an escape plan for the first time. When it appears that nothing more could possibly go wrong, an enemy arrives who is far more formidable than any they’ve encountered before: the army. The final chapter’s official logline says, “The largest theft in history is approaching, and what began as a robbery will turn into a battle.”
Money Heist season 5 release date in India
The fifth and final season of Money Heist premieres Friday, September 3 worldwide.
Money Heist season 5 release time in India
Money Heist season 5 “Volume 1” will be available at 12:30pm IST on September 3. Volume 2 will release at 1:30pm IST on December 3.
How to watch Money Heist season 5 in India
Money Heist Season 5 Volume 1 will start streaming from September 3rd, at 12:30 pm IST, exclusively on Netflix, which is a subscription-based service.
Money Heist season 5 episodes
There are 10 episodes in total in Money Heist season 5. The five-episode Volume 1 will be available September 3. Money Heist season 5 volume 2 release date is December 3.
Money Heist season 5 cast
The popular series stars Úrsula Corberó as Tokyo, Álvaro Morte as The Professor, Itziar Ituño as Lisbon, Miguel Herrán as Rio, Jaime Lorente as Denver, Esther Acebo as Stockholm, Hovik Keuchkerian as Bogota, Rodrigo de la Serna as Palermo, Najwa Nimri as Alicia Sierra, Belén Cuesta as Manila, Enrique Arce as Arturo, Darko Peric as Helsinki, Luka Peros as Marseille, Fernando Cayo as Coronel Tamayo, and José Manuel Poga as Gandía.
New to Money Heist season 5 cast are Miguel Ángel Silvestre (Sense 8) and Patrick Criado (La Gran Familia Española).