The Dharmapuri Police has registered a case against Tamil Nadu BJP President K Annamalai for allegedly promoting religious enmity between two groups. The case has been filed under the sections 504,505 (2) and 153 (A).
The case was registered following his argument with a group of Christian youth, who questioned his entry into the church during his rally outside St. Lourdes Church on January 8.
The war of the words began between the group and the BJP leader after he questioned the rights of the group to stop him from entering the church. The video of the event went viral on social media platforms.
In the video, Annamalai was seen mollifying the angry youth. These visuals were also seen on X as various local media portals had shared them on their X handles.
Soon after the police got aware of the event, it rushed to the church to sideline the youth and let the BJP President enter the churches and pay floral tributes to the idol.