According to police reports, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has been charged by Delhi Police with publishing artificial intelligence (AI)-generated images and videos of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on the party’s official X account. Without providing specifics of the FIR, they stated that the complaint was filed at the North Avenue police station under the appropriate provisions.
The sources claim that they got a complaint about certain offensive images and videos of the prime minister and home minister that were posted on the Aam Aadmi Party’s official X handle. AAP shared the purported recordings on January 10 and January 13.
According to an officer, one of the videos, created using AI-deepfake technology, featured a scene from a Bollywood movie from the 1990s in which the voices of BJP officials were substituted for those of villains, and the audio was altered to a discussion on the Delhi elections. Following an analysis of the allegation, the officer stated that a formal complaint had been submitted and that an inquiry had been started.