After discovering that one such Telegram channel published CCTV images of the event, the Delhi Police announced on Monday that they are looking into the possible participation of pro-Khalistan organisations in the Sunday bombing outside the CRPF School in Rohini.
Sources said that every claim is being investigated. According to the sources, the authorities had sent a letter to Telegram asking for details on the group that posted the video and the message “warning” India. “It’s difficult to say anything at this stage… investigation is underway,” said Amit Goel, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Rohini.
When a huge explosion was heard on Sunday morning close to the CRPF School in Sector 14 of Rohini, the police, a bomb squad, and the fire department hurried to the scene. The explosive is believed to be a crude bomb and traces of potassium chlorate, hydrogen peroxide and some electrical wires were found at the site.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is likely to take over the Rohini blast case from the Delhi Police for further investigation.