Human rights ‘activist’ and former Head of Amnesty India, Aakar Patel, went on contemptuous tirade against the apex body of Court of India. He had earlier tried to instigate Muslims and Dalits to resort to violence also.
In one of his sexist tweets, he called the judges of the apex court ‘eunuch’, referring that they were not ‘manly’ enough to stand up for the Judiciary. While calling upon to the sexual harassment case against former CJI Ranjan Gogoi, Aakar Patel wrote on his twiter, “Eunuch judges of Supreme Court of Hindu Rashtra let sexual harasser Chief Justice appear in a case where he was himself accused. And we must genuflect to it as if it were some oracle of Delhi.”
However, he did not stop with his tirade. He decided to replace the word ‘eunuch’ with ‘haramzada’. He wrote in his tweet “Am deleting this tweet to remove the word eunuch and replacing it with haramzada. My apologies for using eunuch.”
Aakar Patel, continued his nasty tirade unabated. Calling the Supreme Court of India as the apex court of ‘Hindu Rashtra’, he also wondered whether children would be taught the sexual harassment case against former CJI Ranjan Gogoi. He wrote in his tweets, “Wonder if our children will be taught that Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi-who sent thousands to torture in Assam-sat in judgement in his own case. That the SC of Hindu Rashtra dismissed it.” Patel also accused Ranjan Gogoi of misusing his position for getting the Rajya Sabha ticket.
In another contemptuous tweet, Aakar Patel claimed that ‘ It is the judiciary that has power over the executive’s overreach. The fact that it is has been pusillanimous and cowardly under Modi is a choice. Especially the SC of Hindu Rashtra.