Sunday, September 8, 2024
26.1 C
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Lok Sabha Passes Women’s Reservation Bill With 454 Votes, Bill Set To Be Passed In Rajya Sabha Today

The Women’s Reservation Bill is set to be passed in Rajya Sabha Today after being passed in Lok Sabha yesterday.

Despite opposition demanding reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and its implementation before the next year’s general elections, the Lok Sabha passed the Bill on Day 3 of special session of Parliament to reserve one-third seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the state assemblies.

The Bill was welcomed by 454 votes in favour while two were received in against in the five-day special session of Parliament to commemorate India’s 75 years of Independence. The Bill is expected to be passed in the Rajya Sabha today.

This clearance by the Lok Sabha came after decades of attempts as the bill was put forward for the first time by Manmohan Singh government in Rajya Sabha in 2008 and it was passed there in 2010. But the bill never reached Lok Sabha.

It is speculated that this women’s reservation bill proposing 33% reservation for women in Parliament and state assemblies is not likely to come into effect until 2029.

The bill can only implemented after delimitation of constituencies and this is expected to occur in 2027 because it can only be executed after next census.

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