In Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi led a massive roadshow on Wednesday. In addition, he initiated initiatives in the city valued at ₹2 lakh crore and lay the foundation stone.Along with his deputy Pawan Kalyan and Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, Prime Minister Modi conducted a roadshow from the Sampath Vinayak temple to the engineering campus grounds of Andhra University. Large crowds of people gathered and threw flowers at the leaders as they rode in an open car and waved back.
The TDP, BJP, and Janasena party flags were flown along the entire stretch. At Pudimadaka in the Anakapalli district, PM Modi laid the cornerstone for a railway zone and the integrated green hydrogen center of NTPC. He also dedicated to the nation various projects in the rail and road sectors.
Addressing a public meeting, PM Modi said,“Our Andhra Pradesh is a state of possibilities and opportunities. When these possibilities are realised, then only Andhra will develop, and India will become a developed nation. Therefore, Andhra’s development is our vision and it is our commitment to serve the people of Andhra.”Lauding the Telugu Desam Party-led Andhra Pradesh government in the state, the prime minister said,”Andhra Pradesh has targeted to become a 2.5-trillion-dollar economy by 2047. To realize this vision, Chandrababu Naidu’s government has started the initiative ‘Swarna Andhra @ 2047’… In this, the NDA-led central govt is walking shoulder-to-shoulder with the Andhra Pradesh govt.”“It is the time for Andhra to become hub of new futuristic technologies,” PM Modi said.”Visakhapatnam will be among the few cities in the world where large-scale green hydrogen production facilities will be established. This green hydrogen hub will create numerous job opportunities. It will help develop a robust manufacturing ecosystem in Andhra Pradesh.
I had the opportunity to lay the foundation stone for Bulk Drug Park in Nakkapalli. Andhra Pradesh is one of the 3 states in the country where such parks are being established…Our government views urbanization as an opportunity, and we aim to make Andhra Pradesh an example of new-age urbanization. To realize this vision, today the foundation stone for the Krishnapatnam Industrial Area has been laid,” PM Modi added.ALSO READ: I’m inspired by how PM Modi is working for 2029: Chandrababu Naidu during the rally, Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu hailed PM Modi’s leadership, saying,”I am always getting some inspiration from you, and I am learning so many lessons from you… I am very happy! Till yesterday, our Amravati was in the doldrums, now sir, you have to come sometime, where you led the foundation, finally we are going to complete it with your blessings… one of the best cities as you dreamt.”