Days after violence claimed four lives, Rahul Gandhi, the Congress MP and leader of the opposition, Priyanka Gandhi, the recently elected Wayanad MP, and other MPs will try to visit Sambhal in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. Following the violence that occurred last month due to a survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid after a petition claimed the location once held a Harihar temple, the district government placed restrictions on their visit until December 10.
On Tuesday, Sambhal district magistrate Rajendra Pensiya asked officials from other districts, such as Bulandshahr, Amroha, Ghaziabad, and Gautam Buddha Nagar, to halt Rahul Gandhi at their district boundaries in order to keep him from entering Sambhal.
The superintendents of police of Amroha and Bulandshahr, as well as the police commissioners of Gautam Buddha Nagar and Ghaziabad, were all written to by the Sambhal DM.
“On November 24, a remaining survey was conducted, following which members of the Muslim community staged massive protests involving gunfire, stone-pelting, and arson. As a result, the situation in Sambhal district has become extremely sensitive. Until December 10, the entry of any external individuals, social organisations, or public representatives into Sambhal district is restricted without prior approval from the competent authority. Prohibitory orders have been issued under Section 163 of the Bharatiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023,” stated the DM.
Avinash Pande, the general secretary of the Congress and the in-charge of Uttar Pradesh, urged the public to support Rahul Gandhi’s trip to Sambhal.
In a post on X, Pande wrote, “A Congress delegation led by Mr. @RahulGandhi ji will leave for Sambhal by road from Delhi tomorrow to meet the families of victims of Sambhal violence. To support them in this struggle, I will gather at Ghazipur border with the Congress delegation and leave for Sambhal. All of you are appealed to reach Ghazipur border in large numbers with your supporters and give your invaluable contribution in this struggle. Your support is needed in the fight for democracy and justice.”
Aunjaneya Kumar Singh, the divisional commissioner for Moradabad, had earlier stated that the government is persistently pressing Gandhi to delay his visit.
A forensic team investigating the site of the Sambhal violence on Tuesday discovered six empty cartridges marked as “made in Pakistan,” news agency reported, citing police. Additionally, the team recovered another empty cartridge labelled ‘made in the USA,’ according to officials.
At the request of the SIT looking into the violence on November 24, the forensic team and a municipal team inspected the site, Superintendent of Police Krishan Kumar Vishnoi told reporters.
“A shocking thing came to light in this investigation, as six empty cartridges made in Pakistani ordnance factory were recovered,” Vishnoi said. He added, “‘Made in USA’ is also written on another cartridge recovered from the site.” Calling the matter “very serious,” he assured that a thorough investigation would be conducted.
Meanwhile, Akhilesh Yadav, the leader of the Samajwadi Party, charged in Parliament on Tuesday that the BJP was behind the violence in Sambhal through a “well-planned” conspiracy. He claimed that after residents threw stones in protest of the police’s oppressive behaviour, officers used both official and personal firearms, killing innocent persons and injuring a number of others.
Since the Shahi Jama Masjid’s initial study was carried out on November 19 in response to a court order based on a petition alleging the location was formerly a Harihar temple, tensions in Sambhal have increased.
On November 24, when a second assessment of the mosque was conducted, the situation descended into violence, with demonstrators and police clashing. A number of individuals were hurt, and four people died.
According to Superintendent of Police Krishan Kumar Vishnoi, 29 police officers were hurt in the incident.